Fresca, I love you

I wanted to write this post to have some fun and profess my love for Fresca. Specifically, the original grapefruit flavour.

Fresca is my go-to drink when I’m going to a pre before the bar or a friend’s house where there will be drinking. I love Fresca because it’s the closest to full sugar pop that I have found.

Some fun facts about Fresca

  • Caffeine-free
  • It’s only sold in 11 countries, including Iceland
  • It was the second diet soda on the market
  • U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson loved the drink so much that he had a special button on his desk that signalled his staff when he wanted a Fresca.

When I’m out at a bar or a restaurant, I’ll usually order a regular Ginger Ale. In general, I try to limit drinking full-sugar soda but it’s a lot better than drinking.

At home, I love to drink flavoured Kombucha since it’s fizzy and has that fermented taste. I save it as a treat, since Kombucha is pretty expensive on a student budget.

What kind of drinks do you like to order when you’re out? I’m always looking for recommendations on good sugar-free drinks.

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