Letting go of negative thoughts

I was listening to the newest podcast episode of That’s So Retrograde with guest Shaman Durek.

Now this episode blew my mind.. I literally sat in my parking garage so I could keep listening. He speaks about his journey to becoming a Shaman, going to death and back, which is like listening to the craziest bed time story you’ve ever hear.

But the part that really stuck with me the next day was his point about negative thoughts..

“I literally just hang up on bad thoughts when they come in.. like BYE BYE, wrong number”… Read More Letting go of negative thoughts

Trusting my intuition

On Monday night, I was listening to a podcast and the guest, Natalie McNeil, said something that really struck a chord in me. The question was, “What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received”?

She laughed and said the best piece of advice she received was from herself. At 25, she promised to herself from that point on, she was always going to trust her intuition.

I woke up today and I said that I was going to trust myself. And even though I didn’t have a perfect day, I feel more free from doubt and indecision than I did yesterday.… Read More Trusting my intuition